Have You Always Envied People With Natural Good Looks?


It’s happened to all of us at some point in our lives. We’ve seen someone with natural good looks and felt a bit of envy. Some people inherit impossibly smooth skin with just a hint of blush on the cheeks. Their skin has a plump hydrated appearance with a naturally bronzed color. There are no cracks, lines, wrinkles, or blemishes. In all the different cultures of the world, the number one factor that defines beauty and attractiveness is good skin.

Is there hope for people with less than perfect skin?

Yes! There is a revolution of sorts underway. Regenerative aesthetics is allowing people who were born without the “beautiful skin gene” to also look their natural best.

Regenerative medicine is changing the way medicine is practiced. The treatment of diseases and injuries is being approached in a new way. From wound healing to stroke recovery, these innovative therapies are using the body’s own repair mechanisms to achieve outcomes that were previously thought impossible.

Professional athletes led the way in using PRP therapy to heal sports injuries, but more and more people are benefiting from this new treatment for an age old condition: arthritis. People are finding they can avoid surgery and return to activities sooner. These principles of healing are applicable to the skin as well.

Regenerative aesthetics: Helping you look your natural best

Traditional aesthetic procedures involve either extensive surgery or injections with substances such as hyaluronic acid or Botox. These “fillers” are not only temporary, but also degenerative; i.e., they cause breakdown in the skin due to damage to the fragile microscopic blood vessels in the tissues. Treatments need to be repeated frequently. And we’ve all seen pictures of people with bad Botox—weirdly arched “Spock” eyebrows or a constantly surprised look.

PRP therapy, on the other hand, uses concentrated platelets rich in growth factors obtained from the person’s own blood. This office procedure involves injection of this concentrate into the damaged or diseased area to help regenerate healthy tissue. If a person’s skin has deeper wrinkles or advanced signs of degeneration, stem cells derived from fat can be used for a mini-liposuction procedure for a longer-lasting solution than fillers.

How does PRP therapy reverse the ravages of age?

PRP essentially hypercharges the body’s natural healing mechanisms. In the skin, PRP is known to:

  • Build and strengthen collagen (the fibrous protein that supports skin and gives it a youthful appearance)
  • Regenerate blood vessels
  • Heal injuries
  • Restore tissue structure
  • Reverse sun damage

Regenerative aesthetics are non-surgical and non-pharmacological treatments. The skin’s health and vitality are restored. Age-related damage and sun damage are reversed. Acne scarring is improved. This is a gentler, more subtle approach to beautiful skin.

Thanks to regenerative aesthetics, you don’t need to envy people with natural good looks anymore. Say bye-bye to fine lines and wrinkles, uneven texture, discoloration, pores, and dark circles. Say hello to a beautiful you.


  1.  http://www.thecoastnews.com/2016/06/23/regenerative-aesthetics-look-your-best-naturally/

Mira Swave, MD

Contributor at Regenerative Medicine Now

Mira Swave, M.D. is a specialist in the field of Regenerative Medicine.
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