Dr. Douglas Diekevers, DPM
Chicago, IL

Dr. Diekevers was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He attended podiatry school of Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine, graduating in 1990. His post graduate training included a Preceptorship and Podiatric Surgical Residency at Saint Joseph Hospital in Chicago. Dr. Diekevers was board certified in foot surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery in 1997 and recertified in 2007.

Dr. Diekevers’ interests include podiatric sports medicine, diabetic foot care, as well as, podiatric surgery. Dr. Diekevers practices at Saint Joseph Hospital since 1992 and Illinois Masonic Medical Center 2005.

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About Dr. Douglas Diekevers, DPM
  • Gender Male
  • Hospital Affiliations Chicago Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine S.C.
  • Certifications Board Certified in Foot Surgery
  • Foot Surgery

Read Patient Reviews For Dr. Douglas Diekevers, DPM
  • I would recommend Dr. Diekevers.
    I visited three doctors regarding a problem bunion on my left foot. Dr. Diekevers recommended a less-radical surgery than the others (z-bunion), explained it well, and I had outpatient surgery at the Presence facility on Surf. Everything went extremely well with the doctor and the hospital. So far, I am very pleased with the results. The surgical and recovery pain was relatively benign. I would recommend Dr. Diekevers.

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