How Stem Cells are Treating Autism

There are many different disorders that are on the autism spectrum. While each type of autism is different and has different symptoms, there are some similarities in how autism is diagnosed and treated. Stem cell therapies are now being tested to determine if they can be effective in reducing symptoms of autism.
Understanding Autism
Different types of autism share similar characteristics in the brains of patients. One of those characteristics is inflammation in the brain. Some autistic patients also have inflammation of the intestines. Researchers have also found that patients on the autism spectrum have diminished oxygen in certain areas of the brain.
Stem Cell Therapies
Stem cell therapies for autism have been in clinical trials for some years. Current treatments for autism are not generally effective, or treat only a few symptoms of the disorder. With stem cell therapies, researchers are trying to combat the two primary brain abnormalities that they have identified in autistic patients, namely diminished oxygen and inflammation in the brain.
Effectiveness and Ongoing Trials
Thus far, stem cell therapy using stem cells from umbilical cords have been relatively successful in reducing symptoms of autism. These treatments are still in the early stages, and nothing has been passed by the FDA just yet. However, you should be able to easily find clinical trials that you may be a possible candidate for within the United States.