Does Insurance Cover Regenerative Medicine Treatments?

Medical treatment of almost any kind can be very expensive, and regenerative medicine treatments are even more so. Most people rely on their health insurance to cover the treatments that they need. The vast majority of the population is not able to afford medical treatment of any kind without it. But what do you do when your insurance doesn’t cover a treatment?
Unfortunately, health insurance companies do not cover regenerative medicine. Health insurance companies will only pay for proven medical interventions that are deemed medically necessary. Since regenerative medicine hasn’t been approved by the FDA or other government agencies, it is considered an “alternative treatment.” Alternative treatments are not covered by insurance.
There are a few exceptions. A bone marrow transplant technically falls under the regenerative medicine umbrella, and it is generally covered by health insurance because it is a viable treatment for leukemia and other diseases.
However, if this doesn’t apply to you, you probably aren’t going to get your regenerative medicine treatment covered by insurance. There are, however, other ways that you can get treatment without going broke.
One of the best ways to take advantage of regenerative medicine without going bankrupt is to participate in clinical trials. There are clinical trials all over the country working constantly on more breakthroughs about stem cells and how they can be used in regenerative medicine. These clinical trials don’t cost anything, and some of them may even pay you for your time. Clinical trials usually also cover your travel and housing expenses during the trial.
If you are interested in receiving regenerative medicine treatments, it is best to find a doctor or researcher that is working on regenerative medicine for your specific condition. This network will help you do that.