PRP use in Cosmetic Gynecology (The O-Shot)

Vaginal rejuvenation has gone from a taboo topic to mainstream media. Women have spent years having Mommy Makeovers after having babies to rejuvenate their bodies, but the vagina was being ignored. Enter vaginal rejuvenation. We now have devices designed to tighten the vaginal canal and shrink and tighten the labia and vaginal tissue. Some examples are Thermiva, Diva, and Femilift. The O-Shot, which was virtually unheard of 5 years ago, has now become a worldwide procedure of interest for patients and physicians. The O-Shot effectively helps patients who suffer from urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, and lichen sclerosus.
Here is some of the supporting research:
Over the years, PRP has been used in many indications, such as dentistry, orthopedics, veterinary medicine, and pain management. Many top athletes have PRP injected into their joints to reduce the risk of injury, or aped up the healing of an existent injury.
Biopsy studies show that when PRP is injected, the stem cells multiply and grow new younger tissue. In the same way PRP regenerates the skin of the face, or a knee joint, it appears PRP regenerates healthy vaginal tissue. So, using this same technology, the O-Shot® procedure works by using PRP to stimulate stem cells to grow healthier vaginal tissue.
Many women (30 to 50 percent) have some type of issue that makes them feel inadequate, uncomfortable, and embarrassed. These issues range from urinary stress incontinence, urinary leakage, painful sex, low libido and vaginal dryness. A 2011 study found that about 80 percent of women fake orgasms during vaginal intercourse. Of the 71 study participants, about 25 percent of the women faked orgasms 90 percent of the time. Women’s Day says that about one in three women has difficulty reaching orgasm. The O-Shot is not like the G-Shot, which is done using a type of filler in the vagina. The O-Shot is done using about a tablespoon of your own blood, which is then processed to extract your own plasma.
The procedure does not hurt because of specific numbing techniques that are used in addition to numbing cream. The entire procedure takes about an hour, and there is no down time.
Physicians, including gynecologists, urologists, cosmetic gynecologists, are all embracing this procedure with open arms, as it is safe, easy, autologous, and requires no downtime.
In summary, the world of cellular medicine is constantly evolving and new research is released frequently. One can only imagine the findings that our researchers will uncover in the years to come.
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