Three Ways Stem Cells are Being Used to Treat Kidney Disease

Stem cells are being used in a number of new and exciting ways. You will want to make sure that you are working with a doctor that is well versed in the different ways that stem cells are being used in the treatment of kidney disease. There are three main ways that stem cells are being used to treat these kidney disorders.
Bioengineered Vein
Many people have chronic kidney disease or decreased kidney function and must have dialysis treatments routinely. Dialysis can be very hard on the veins used during the process. Researchers have developed a way to bioengineer the vein that is needed for dialysis so that those patients whose veins have collapsed or are otherwise unable to be used can still have their dialysis treatments. The bioengineered vein is developed using stem cells.
Stem Cells and Transplants
There are currently research studies and clinical trials going on at Stanford to determine if injecting stem cells from the kidney donor into the transplant patient could reduce the risk of rejection of the new organ. Some scientists believe that organ rejection can be completely eliminated by injected stem cells and T cells from the donor into the transplant patient.
Stem Cell Antirejection
Patients who undergo a kidney transplant are at a high risk of their body rejecting the donated organ. Most transplant patients have to take immunosuppressant drugs their entire lives to keep from rejecting the kidney. These drugs can be very hard on the body and shorten your lifespan considerably. Researchers are now attempting to discover if a treatment formulated from stem cells could make these drugs unnecessary.
If you or someone you love has kidney disease and you would like more information on advanced stem cell treatments, contact us today for more information or to be matched with a doctor in your area.