9 Benefits of Stretching Daily

Stretching is an often underrated way to boost your physical fitness and overall wellness. As part of your daily routine, stretching can grant you many benefits that you can’t get with exercise alone.  Key benefits of stretching daily include: Better Posture Stretching helps alleviate muscle tension in the back, chest, and abdomen. This can help [Read More]

Stem Cells for Labral Tear Recovery

The labrum is a section of tissue that covers the rim of the shoulder and hip joints. It keeps the “ball” of these ball-and-socket joints in place, providing essential stability and alignment.  Unfortunately, if these joints are overused or subject to sudden trauma, you may experience a labral tear. Labral tears are serious injuries that [Read More]

Chronic Neck Pain Causes and Treatments

Have you been struggling with neck pain consistently for the past three months (or longer)? If so, you may be suffering from chronic neck pain. While it’s common, this condition can be debilitating, especially if it’s left untreated. To understand the best way to treat chronic neck pain, it’s first essential to determine its cause. [Read More]

How Does Regenerative Medicine Treat Arthritis Pain?

Arthritis pain is a common medical concern across the world. Over time, this condition can progress and limit your day-to-day activities. While arthritis treatment has previously been limited to joint replacement surgery, patients today have access to innovative regenerative therapies. Read on to learn more about how regenerative medicine can treat arthritis pain.  What is [Read More]

Chronic Neck Pain: When to Get Help

Whether from looking down at a screen, hunching forward at a desk, or overuse from physical activity, neck pain is common. The neck is a highly flexible part of the spine, making it particularly vulnerable to pain. But, when this pain becomes chronic, you may need professional medical care for relief.  Neck pain is considered [Read More]

How to Know if Your ACL is Torn or Sprained

The anterior cruciate ligament (more commonly known as the ACL) extends diagonally across the center of the knee. It keeps the tibia from moving too far forward and prevents excessive knee rotations. Considering this ligament’s essential role in knee stability, ACL injuries can be devastating.  Tears and sprains are among the most prevalent injuries to [Read More]

Treatment Options for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition resulting from pressure on the median nerve, which passes through the forearm, palm, and some of the fingers. It can trigger pain, numbness, and tingling in the fingers or hand. Unfortunately, in some cases, carpal tunnel can be difficult to treat.  Thankfully, patients today have access to more [Read More]

Ice vs. Heat: What’s Better for Pain Relief?

Heat and cold therapy are tried-and-true home remedies for pain. But, if you’re experiencing pain from an injury or chronic condition, you may wonder whether to choose heat or ice.  In truth, ice and heat play different roles in pain relief. Read on to learn how to use them effectively in your recovery process.  How [Read More]

The Connection Between Migraines and Stress

Migraines are a type of headache and neurological disorder causing recurrent episodes of throbbing, pulsing pain on one side of the head. An estimated 39 million people in the U.S. experience migraines, but given that this condition is widely underdiagnosed, it likely affects an even larger portion of the population.  An extensive range of factors [Read More]

The Power of Stem Cells in Anti-Aging Therapy

The aging process is inevitable. Despite advancements in the field of medicine, this statement remains a universal truth. However, new research into the anti-aging potential of stem cell therapy reveals that, while we continue to grow older, stem cells can reduce the negative impact of aging on your overall health.  Stem cells have the ability [Read More]

How to Identify Tech Neck

Tech neck is a modern form of neck pain. It’s used to describe neck pain caused by repeatedly straining the tissues in the cervical spine to look at a computer, phone, or tablet screen. By identifying the signs of tech neck, you can adjust your habits and implement at-home remedies to alleviate your pain.  Understanding [Read More]

What is a Spinal Headache?

We’ve all experienced headaches, but have you ever had a spinal headache? Also known as an epidural, post-dural puncture, or low-pressure headache, this condition results from spinal fluid leaks, usually after a spinal tap. In this article, we’ll review the basics of spinal headaches, including the available treatments.  Signs and Symptoms of a Spinal Headache [Read More]

Main Causes of Neck Pain

As the most flexible part of the spine, the neck is susceptible to pain and injury. While many people experience occasional neck pain from sleeping in an odd position or looking at a computer screen for too long, persistent neck pain can compromise your quality of life.  The main causes of neck pain include: Poor [Read More]

What Happens if Bursitis Isn’t Treated?

Bursitis is a common condition affecting the small protective sacs around a joint. Read on to learn more about bursitis and why prompt treatment is essential to treat its often painful symptoms.  What is Bursitis? Bursitis is a condition involving inflammation of the bursae. Bursae are small, fluid-filled sacs located around a joint. They absorb [Read More]

Common Sports-Related Injuries

Playing sports is a fantastic way to stay physically active, improve coordination, and make social connections with teammates. Despite these benefits, it can also lead to injuries. The most prevalent sports-related injuries among athletes today include: Sprains and Strains A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament, while a strain is a stretched or torn [Read More]

Common Elbow Injuries

Joint injuries usually occur in the main weight-bearing joints, like the knees, hips, and ankles. But, the elbow is a hinged joint that’s also susceptible to injury. Some of the most common elbow injuries include: Tennis Elbow Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is an overuse injury that affects the elbow. It earned its [Read More]

PRP to Treat Hand Arthritis

From cooking and cleaning to typing on a keyboard, hands are central to many people’s routines. So, when the pain, stiffness, and swelling of hand arthritis appear, it can be difficult to get through the day. Now, patients have the option of PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy to treat hand arthritis with a few simple injections. [Read More]

5 Exercises to Help With Back Pain

Back pain is one of today’s most prevalent health problems, affecting an estimated 619 million people around the globe. Whether due to a back injury, chronic condition, or even a sedentary lifestyle, back pain can significantly diminish your quality of life.  Thankfully, several at-home remedies can help alleviate back pain without the need for pain [Read More]

What’s the Most Effective Treatment for Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis develops when the cartilage that protects the joints gradually breaks down, causing pain, stiffness, and inflammation. As the most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis affects more than 32.5 million adults in the United States.  Thankfully, patients have many effective osteoarthritis treatments to choose from, including innovative regenerative therapies. Read on to learn more! Conservative [Read More]

Early Signs of Arthritis

Joint pain is a common complaint, particularly if you just went on a run or had an intense workout at the gym. But, when joint pain lingers for several weeks, regardless of your activity level, it’s time to pay attention. Arthritis is an umbrella term for conditions that cause joint swelling, pain, and tenderness. If [Read More]

Types of Regenerative Therapy Treatments

Regenerative therapy is a rapidly advancing field of medicine that aims to heal tissues from the inside out. Unlike prescription medications and surgical techniques, regenerative therapies support the body’s ability to regenerate damaged tissue, leading to lasting relief. There are a few different types of regenerative therapy treatments, including: Stem Cell Therapy Stem cell therapy [Read More]

Everyday Activities That Can Cause Back Pain

Most of us have experienced some degree of back pain in our lives. Back pain is one of the most prevalent health concerns among today’s population, impacting patients of all ages, weights, and genders.  It’s common knowledge that lifting heavy weights can lead to back pain. However, chronic back pain can also be the result [Read More]

Can Stem Cell Therapy Work For a Herniated Disc?

Stem cell therapy is a form of regenerative medicine that has revolutionized how injuries are treated by physicians today. It’s a minimally-invasive way to heal degenerated or injured tissues throughout the body. This article will discuss how stem cell therapy can help with one of today’s most common spinal injuries: herniated discs. Stem Cell Therapy: [Read More]

The Healing Power of PRP Injections

Regenerative therapy is a branch of medicine that focuses on repairing diseased tissues in the body. Compared to surgery, regenerative therapy is non-invasive and utilizes the patient’s own cells to heal and treat disease.  Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a form of regenerative medicine with several notable benefits. The process is simple, starting with drawing a [Read More]

What Issues Are Treated With Stem Cells?

Stem cells are specialized cells that can develop into different types of cells in the body. They’re undeveloped cells that go through a process called “differentiation”. Medical experts have harnessed the power of stem cells to regenerate and repair the body.  With stem cell therapy, our bodies can recover from several different diseases and injuries. [Read More]

Causes of Achilles Heel Pain

Have you ever suffered from pain at the back of your heel? Known as Achilles heel pain, this results from inflammation in the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon is a band of fibrous tissue that supports the ankle and calf during movement. It also attaches the calf muscles to the heel bone behind the ankle.  [Read More]

How Exercise Can Help With Joint Pain

Joint pain is a common condition that can be experienced as early as your twenties and as late as your 90s. It often results from arthritis, a disease involving inflammation of your joints. As a result of joint pain, people tend to limit their activity to prevent pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, cutting down on exercise [Read More]

How Long Do Stem Cell Injections Last?

Stem cell injections are gaining momentum as regenerative treatment for common orthopedic, autoimmune, and inflammatory conditions. Unlike surgery, stem cell injections promote the body’s own healing process, omitting the need for incisions and lengthy recovery times.  But, how long do stem cell injections last? Will you have to return for additional treatments? This article will [Read More]

How Flat Feet Impact Overall Health

An estimated 26% of people have flat feet, making it a common disorder. With flat feet, as the name suggests, the feet have virtually no arch. This typically occurs when the arches don’t develop in early childhood, but arches can also collapse later in life, leading to flat feet.  Unfortunately, flat feet can impact your [Read More]

Why Do My Joints Hurt When I Move?

Living with joint pain can be debilitating. Many people experience joint pain and stiffness either throughout their day, early in the morning, or as the day comes to a finish. The timing and onset of your joint pain play a significant role in your pain diagnosis, as well as the best treatment method.  The cause [Read More]

How Stem Cell Therapy Helps with Knee Pain

Stem cell therapy has become popular for its ability to regenerate damaged tissues in the body. Utilizing this FDA-approved technique, experts have been successful in treating various conditions, providing pain relief, and restoring function for their patients.  Stem cells are unique from other cells in the body in that they can divide to form any [Read More]

Ways to Keep Your Joints Healthy

Keeping your joints healthy can help you ward off pain, now and in your later years. But, how exactly can you maintain healthy joints while living a busy, fulfilling life? Here are our top tips.  Stay Active.  Regular exercise is essential to the health of your joints. It keeps the muscles that support your joints [Read More]

How Exercise Helps with Joint Pain

We all know that exercise is one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. But, did you know that it can also help with joint pain? Exercise is essential for people suffering from joint pain, including arthritis pain. Here’s why: Improved Muscle Strength Your body’s joints rely on the surrounding muscles for support and protection. [Read More]

Types of Foot and Ankle Arthritis

Without feet and ankles, we wouldn’t be able to walk, run, jump, balance, and perform all sorts of other basic activities. Unfortunately, the joints in the feet and ankles must bear significant impact with all of these activities, making them susceptible to wear and tear.  Arthritis is a group of conditions characterized by joint pain [Read More]

Does Botox Help Treat Chronic Migraines?

We all know Botox as a popular solution for wrinkles. But, over the years, medical professionals have found that Botox offers benefits that go beyond cosmetics. For one, Botox offers numerous benefits as a potential migraine treatment. What Are Migraines? Migraines are a type of recurring headache that causes moderate to severe pain with pulsing [Read More]

What Is a Sinus Lift and Why Would I Need One?

Dental implants are a popular treatment method for people with missing teeth. With dental implants, patients have a titanium stud implanted into their mouth, which is later restored with a dental crown.  There are many benefits of dental implants over other replacement options, like dentures or bridges. Primarily, dental implants are fixed in the mouth [Read More]

How Can PRP Help With Hair Regrowth?

More than 50% of men will experience male-pattern hair loss over the age of 50 in their lifetime. In the modern era, regenerative medicine has been successful in regrowing hair after experiencing hair loss.  Whether you’re a man or a woman, experiencing hair loss is frustrating and can hurt your confidence. This article will discuss [Read More]

5 Risk Factors That Can Lead to a Herniated Disc

A herniated disc can cause excruciating pain and discomfort. The spinal bones are cushioned by round, cushion-like discs, and herniation occurs if the disc bulges into the spinal canal. Given the fact that numerous nerves run through the spine, herniated discs can trigger lasting pain and impact spinal mobility.  Back and nerve pain that radiates [Read More]

How Stem Cell Therapy Can Help Orthopedic Conditions

Stem cell therapy is a form of regenerative medicine that uses the body’s own cells to regenerate diseased tissues. This therapy has the potential to cure several orthopedic conditions that are difficult to treat with conventional medicine.  How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work? With the ability to differentiate into regenerative cells, stem cells are considered [Read More]

Top Health Benefits of Exercise

It’s no secret that exercise is essential for good overall health. Experts suggest that healthy adults get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, 4-5 times per week, to stay in good shape. Moderate-intensity exercise is at a brisk pace, which makes it slightly difficult to have a conversation while working out. You should also [Read More]

Six Reasons Why Your Shoulder Hurts

Shoulder pain is a common issue, especially among athletes and older individuals. Oftentimes, shoulder pain occurs after a sudden injury. However, it can also develop without an obvious cause.  There are several possible reasons for shoulder pain without an injury. Six of the most common include: Bone Spurs Bone spurs are bony over growths that [Read More]

How PRP Can Help With Treating Chronic Pain

A little over 20% of Americans deal with chronic pain according to research published in 2021. Most chronic pain is caused by musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, or bursitis. Several treatments are available to manage chronic pain with varying levels of success. One of the most innovative and effective treatments is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) [Read More]

Top Health Benefits of Exercise

It’s no secret that exercise is essential for good overall health. Experts suggest that healthy adults get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, 4-5 times per week to stay in good shape. Moderate-intensity exercise is at a brisk pace which makes it slightly difficult to have a conversation while working out. You should also [Read More]

Why Sleep is the Secret to Unlocking Your Health

Sleep might just be the most important thing you do all day. Experts agree that not getting adequate sleep can be devastating to your health, and there’s even been a link discovered between too little sleep and Alzheimer’s Disease! Sleep is essential for peak physical and mental performance. In this post, we’ll discuss why sleep [Read More]

High Cortisol and the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

Did you know there’s been a link discovered between the hormone cortisol and dementia, including Alzheimer’s Disease? In this post, we’ll review cortisol, discuss the link found, and discuss ways to reduce your risk. What is Cortisol? Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, is a small guy with a big job. Cortisol plays a [Read More]

What are the Outcomes of Chronic High Cortisol?

What is Cortisol? Cortisol is a glucocorticoid steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Glucocorticoids in general transport messages to the cells via the bloodstream to regulate inflammatory responses, metabolism, and the sleep-wake cycle. Cortisol is specifically responsible for helping regulate the body: Stress response Metabolism Inflammatory response Blood pressure Blood sugar Sleep-wake cycle What [Read More]

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